Cable crosses with slip stitches

Posted 24 Apr 2020 by JC

By request, now has symbols for a few cable crosses that feature slip stitches:

  • 1/1 LSC1/1 LSC
  • 1/1 LSAC1/1 LSAC
  • 1/2 LSC1/2 LSC
  • 1/3 LSC1/3 LSC
  • 1/1 RSC1/1 RSC
  • 1/1 RSAC1/1 RSAC
  • 1/2 RSC1/2 RSC
  • 1/3 RSC1/3 RSC

In the LSC and RSC crosses, a single slipped stitch crosses over 1, 2, or 3 knit stitches. In the LSAC and RSAC crosses, all the stitches of the cross are slipped. To figure out what an abbreviation means, keep in mind that...

  • “LSC” stands for “left slipped cross”
  • “RSAC” stands for “right slip all (stitches) cross”
  • “1/2” means “one over two”
  • etc., as previously outlined in this Ravelry post

Or – better yet – just refer to the key when following a stitch map, or to the convenience buttons when creating a stitch map.

Crosses like these aren’t common, but they can be used for interesting effects:

Subtle crosses


Renumber and reformat

Posted 4 Mar 2020 by JC

By request, the Contribute and Edit pages now have a “Renumber and reformat” option, above the “Written instructions” text entry box:

Renumber and reformat button

Click that button, and up pops a dialog:

Renumber and reformat dialog

With this dialog, you can renumber the rows in your knitspeak – for example:

  • To make room for 10 more rows at the beginning of your pattern, set “Start” to 11 and “Increment” to 1. Your existing rows will get renumbered as 11, 12, 13, 14, etc. Add in new rows numbered 1 through 10.

  • To make room for an unknown number of rows at the beginning, set “Start” to 100 (or some such) and “Increment” to 1. Your existing rows will get renumbered as 100, 101, 102, 103, etc. Add in as many new rows as you need. Then renumber again, with a “Start” of 1 and an “Increment” of 1, to get “normal” row numbering again.

  • To make room for rows in the middle of your pattern, set “Start” to 1 and “Increment” to 10 (or some such). Your existing rows will get renumbered as 1, 11, 21, 31, etc. Add in the rows that you need. Then renumber again, with a “Start” of 1 and an “Increment” of 1.

Each time you use this dialog, your knitspeak will get reformatted. Here you have two choices:

  • “Condensed” means that identical rows will be displayed in a group – for example,

    Rounds 2, 4, 6, and 8: Purl.
  • “Expanded” means that identical rows will be displayed individually – for example,

    Round 2: Purl.
    Round 4: Purl.
    Round 6: Purl.
    Round 8: Purl.

Note that you can also reformat without renumbering, if you so choose. Just uncheck “Renumber” before selecting “Go!” This can be a handy way of expanding your knitspeak before editing it.


  • You can only renumber and reformat knitspeak that the site can understand. But the knitspeak doesn’t have to be knitable. So row 1: k37; row 2: p27 can be renumbered, even if it can’t be knit.

  • All the usual knitspeak rules still apply. Specifically, you can’t have negative row numbers.

  • The renumber function does not save anything, just like the “Check the knitspeak” button doesn’t save anything. To save your work (and draw a stitch map), you have to press the “Go for it!” button, as usual.

  • You can specify a negative “Increment”... but you probably wouldn’t want to. Setting “Start” to 10 and “Increment” to -1 would renumber your existing rows as 10, 9, 8, 7, etc., effectively reversing your stitch pattern, which rarely produces meaningful results. But, hey, you’re welcome to try, and see what silliness results.

Questions? Comments? You know where to find me.

Just check the knitspeak

Posted 31 Jan 2020 by JC

At long last! now lets you check the validity of your knitspeak while remaining on the edit page, without taking the time to draw any stitch maps. Click the new “Check the knitspeak” button to the upper right of the “Written instructions” entry box:

Check the knitspeak button

And you’ll see a success message giving the pattern’s cast-on count:

success message

Or you’ll see a detailed error message:

error message

I imagine that this will be useful to knitters attempting to map complicated, large-ish stitch patterns. Consider this: *Enter the knitspeak for a couple rows. Check the knitspeak. Correct problems, if any. Repeat from * until you’ve entered all the knitspeak, then hit the “Go for it!” button as usual to save the pattern and draw its stitch maps.


  • Checking the knitspeak does not save the knitspeak. You have to click the “Go for it!” button for that.
  • I can’t guarantee with 100% certainty that success with the “Check the knitspeak” button will mean success with the “Go for it!” button. But it should work in all but the most obscure situations. Let’s call it 99.9% certainty, okay?


Improved error messages

Posted 29 Jan 2020 by JC

Previously, if couldn’t verify the knitspeak for a stitch pattern, it would on occasion produce an error message like the following:

Row 3 can’t be worked on top of the preceding rows. The number of non-repeated stitches isn’t quite right.

Messages like this aren’t terribly helpful, when it comes to resolving the issue.

By request, now produces messages like this:

Row 3 can’t be worked on top of the previous rows. It requires a multiple of 9 stitches plus 2, but the previous rows produce a multiple of 9 stitches plus 4.

Hopefully, you’ll find these messages more useful, in locating typos and other goofs. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact me!

Location, location, location

Posted 28 Oct 2019 by JC

Most of the time, I use on my laptop – but that’s not true for everyone. I was reminded of this when a subscriber pointed out that the current row highlighting feature was kind of awkward to use on a mobile device. In a narrower space, the up/down buttons were positioned well below the stitch map image, making it necessary to scroll down to tap the “up” button, then scroll up to see the change.

Not anymore. Now those buttons are positioned on top of the stitch map image:

screenshot of current row buttons

Hopefully, everyone will find them more convenient to use in their new location. And to keep them from being too obtrusive, they’re only displayed when the “Current row” checkbox is checked.

Questions? Comments? Join the discussion on Ravelry.

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