Just check the knitspeak

Posted 31 Jan 2020 by JC

At long last! Stitch-Maps.com now lets you check the validity of your knitspeak while remaining on the edit page, without taking the time to draw any stitch maps. Click the new “Check the knitspeak” button to the upper right of the “Written instructions” entry box:

Check the knitspeak button

And you’ll see a success message giving the pattern’s cast-on count:

success message

Or you’ll see a detailed error message:

error message

I imagine that this will be useful to knitters attempting to map complicated, large-ish stitch patterns. Consider this: *Enter the knitspeak for a couple rows. Check the knitspeak. Correct problems, if any. Repeat from * until you’ve entered all the knitspeak, then hit the “Go for it!” button as usual to save the pattern and draw its stitch maps.


  • Checking the knitspeak does not save the knitspeak. You have to click the “Go for it!” button for that.
  • I can’t guarantee with 100% certainty that success with the “Check the knitspeak” button will mean success with the “Go for it!” button. But it should work in all but the most obscure situations. Let’s call it 99.9% certainty, okay?


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