Herzlöcherl Spüli

I casted on 34 stitches (=4 horizontal repeats), but you can add stitches if you want to (always add a multiple of 6 stitches).
My preferred cast on for dishcloth is a long tail cast on.
My dishcloth has a 2x3 stitches garter stitch border on the right and left side. If you prefer another border just add the stitches you need.
I opted for yo instead of yo yo (which is also possible). Thus I needed k1, p1 …

I casted on 34 stitches (=4 horizontal repeats), but you can add stitches if you want to (always add a multiple of 6 stitches).
My preferred cast on for dishcloth is a long tail cast on.
My dishcloth has a 2x3 stitches garter stitch border on the right and left side. If you prefer another border just add the stitches you need.
I opted for yo instead of yo yo (which is also possible). Thus I needed k1, p1 into yo for the next WS row.
My dishcloth has a button hole in the upper border section which IS NOT described in the pattern.

listed on Ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/herzlocherl-spuli I look forward to seeing your projects on Ravelry.

If you want to use the pattern without the dishcloth instructions: Stitch Map

##### DEUTSCH #####**

Ich habe 34 Maschen im Kreuzanschlag aufgenommen (=4 horizontal repeats). Du kannst aber auch mehr Maschen verwenden. Füge immer ein Vielfaches von 6 Maschen hinzu.
Mein kraus-rechter Rand benötigt 2x3 Maschen. Wenn du einen anderen Rand lieber magst, füge einfach die notwendigen Maschen hinzu.
Um das Loch nicht so groß zu machen, habe ich einen einfachen Umschlag benutzt und in der Rückreiche 2 Maschen daraus gestrickt.
Mein Spüli hat einen Knopflochaufhänger im oberen Rand. Dieses Knopfloch ist in der Anleitung NICHT enthalten.

gelistet bei Ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/herzlocherl-spuli Ich freue mich, wenn du deine Projekte dort auch verknüpfst.

wenn du nur das Hauptmuster sehen willst: Stitch Map


Shown with a cast-on count of 22 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rows 1, 3, 5, 17, and 19 (RS): Knit.
  • Rows 2, 4, 6, 16, and 18: Knit.
  • Rows 7 and 11: K4, *k3, p2, k1, repeat from * to last 6 sts, k6.
  • Row 8: K3, p3, *p1, k2, p3, repeat from * to last 4 sts, p1, k3.
  • Row 9: K3, k2tog, *yo, ssk, p2, k2tog, repeat from * to last 5 sts, yo, ssk, k3 (multiple of 5 sts, plus 9).
  • Row 10: K3, p1, (k1, p1) in next st, *p1, k2, p1, (k1, p1) in next st, repeat from * to last 4 sts, p1, k3 (multiple of 6 sts, plus 10).
  • Row 12: K3, p1, k2, *p4, k2, repeat from * to last 4 sts, p1, k3.
  • Row 13: K3, k1, *p2, k2tog, yo, ssk, repeat from * to last 6 sts, p2, k4 (multiple of 5 sts, plus 10).
  • Row 14: K3, p1, k2, *p1, (k1, p1) in next st, p1, k2, repeat from * to last 4 sts, p1, k3 (multiple of 6 sts, plus 10).
  • Row 15: K3, k1, *p2, k4, repeat from * to last 6 sts, p2, k4.
  • Row 20: BO (0 sts).
  • Repeat rows 8-15.