Hat shaping

This stitch map appears in this Ravelry post and this YouTube video.

For the record, it was inspired by the King Harald Hats in The Art of Fair Isle Knitting* by Ann Feitelson.

*Affiliate link. Buy the book and I get a couple pennies.

Shown with a cast-on count of 48 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rounds 1-4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22: Knit.
  • Round 5: *K11, sl2-k1-p2sso, k10, repeat from * (multiple of 22 sts).
  • Round 7: *K10, sl2-k1-p2sso, k9, repeat from * (multiple of 20 sts).
  • Round 9: *K9, sl2-k1-p2sso, k8, repeat from * (multiple of 18 sts).
  • Round 11: *K8, sl2-k1-p2sso, k7, repeat from * (multiple of 16 sts).
  • Round 13: *K7, sl2-k1-p2sso, k6, repeat from * (multiple of 14 sts).
  • Round 15: *K6, sl2-k1-p2sso, k5, repeat from * (multiple of 12 sts).
  • Round 17: *K5, sl2-k1-p2sso, k4, repeat from * (multiple of 10 sts).
  • Round 19: *K4, sl2-k1-p2sso, k3, repeat from * (multiple of 8 sts).
  • Round 21: *K3, sl2-k1-p2sso, k2, repeat from * (multiple of 6 sts).
  • Round 23: *K2, sl2-k1-p2sso, k1, repeat from * (multiple of 4 sts).
  • Round 24: *K1, sl2-k1-p2sso, repeat from * (multiple of 2 sts).