test (11) short-row triangles circle + eyelets

The Sl1 wyif on the uneven rows are in fact German short-row Double Stitches in the centre. The Sl1 wyif on the even rows are the decorative chain selvedge stitch. The tail is on the left at the even (RS) rows. The short-row point is formed from the left. The eyelets [yo, k1] increases are now aligned within the row that absorbs the double stitches. This version (9, based on test 7): on RS rows, instead of [k2tog] 4 times …

The Sl1 wyif on the uneven rows are in fact German short-row Double Stitches in the centre. The Sl1 wyif on the even rows are the decorative chain selvedge stitch. The tail is on the left at the even (RS) rows. The short-row point is formed from the left. The eyelets [yo, k1] increases are now aligned within the row that absorbs the double stitches. This version (9, based on test 7): on RS rows, instead of [k2tog] 4 times in row 2, to start each row with Sl1 wyif, k1, k2tog and repeat 4 rows. Note: change R9 from Row 9: Sl1 wyif, [k1, yo] 4 times, k1 (10 sts) to: Sl1 wyif, [yo, k1] 4 times, k1. Note: it works, however, there will be 2 yo after each other, one from the you and one from the DS. Other change: k2tog tel instead of k2tog

Note to self: if duplicating for a grafted version: start with 3 rows Stockinette in waste yarn, then knit 1 ridge garter stitch, starting on the WS. Then proceed as with this version's row 1. If making it 20 sts, then do 6 decreases, and make 6 increases ending 2 sts before end of row. Row 1 and 2: knit (= 1 ridge garter stitch). <== set up rows. NO THIS DOES NOT WORK. Other solution would be to have row 1 +2 be part of the pattern, as with the brown mat. Rows 3 -

Shown with a cast-on count of 15 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 1 (WS): K15.
  • Row 2: Sl1 wyif, k2tog tbl, k11, turn (13 sts).
  • Rows 3, 5, and 7: K1, sl1 wyif, knit.
  • Row 4: Sl1 wyif, k2tog tbl, k9, turn (11 sts).
  • Row 6: Sl1 wyif, k2tog tbl, k7, turn (9 sts).
  • Row 8: Sl1 wyif, k2tog tbl, k5, turn (7 sts).
  • Row 9: K1, sl1 wyif, [yo, k1] 4 times, k1 (11 sts).
  • Row 10: Sl1 wyif, knit (15 sts).