Staghorn rising

Staghorn crescendo/decrescendo

OK - start of expanding/decreasing cable. Trick is to move the decreases ahead of (or behind) the cable crosses (earlier attempt w/horseshoe cable not working bc I haven't figured out how to do 3/4 crosses in stitch-maps...)

I'll be back - think some of these decreases need to move a little. Swatchward ho.

Shown with a cast-on count of 36 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 1 (WS): K2, p32, k2.
  • Row 2: P2, 4/4 LC, k16, 4/4 RC, p2.
  • Row 4: P2, k2, ssk, 4/4 LC, k8, 4/4 RC, k2tog, k2, p2 (34 sts).
  • Row 6: P2, k5, ssk, 4/4 LC, 4/4 RC, k2tog, k5, p2 (32 sts).
  • Row 8: P2, 3/3 LC, k6, ssk, k2tog, k6, 3/3 RC, p2 (30 sts).
  • Row 10: P2, k3, 3/3 LC, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2, 3/3 RC, k3, p2 (28 sts).
  • Row 12: P2, k6, 3/3 LC, 3/3 RC, k6, p2.