Simple mock cable

Pattern as worked for yellow swatch photo appears below. Stitch Maps does not have notation for <<instruction>> in Row 3, so does not indicate cable effect. Rows 1 and 5: P2, k2, p2, k3, repeat from , p2, k2, p2. Rows 2, 4 and 6 : K2, p2, k2, p3, repeat from, k2, p2, k2. Row 3: P2, k2, p2, sl1 wyif, sl1 wyib, sl1 wyif <<return 3 sts to LN, k3>>, repeat from , p2, k2, p2.

To …

Pattern as worked for yellow swatch photo appears below. Stitch Maps does not have notation for <<instruction>> in Row 3, so does not indicate cable effect. Rows 1 and 5: P2, k2, p2, k3, repeat from , p2, k2, p2. Rows 2, 4 and 6 : K2, p2, k2, p3, repeat from, k2, p2, k2. Row 3: P2, k2, p2, sl1 wyif, sl1 wyib, sl1 wyif <<return 3 sts to LN, k3>>, repeat from , p2, k2, p2.

To work the "cable" over 4 sts (multiple of 10 +6): Row 3: P2, k2, p2, [sl1 wyib, sl1 wyif] twice, return 4 sts to LN, repeat from , p2, k2, p2. See white swatch.

Shown with a cast-on count of 24 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rows 1 and 5 (RS): *P2, k2, p2, k3, repeat from * to last 6 sts, p2, k2, p2.
  • Rows 2, 4, and 6: *K2, p2, k2, p3, repeat from * to last 6 sts, k2, p2, k2.
  • Row 3: *P2, k2, p2, sl1 wyif, sl1 wyib, sl1 wyif, repeat from * to last 6 sts, p2, k2, p2.