Sehr einfache Ferse

Make sure to scroll down to "written instructions" and expand the instructions section for details in English.

This heel is not a perfectly fitting heel. But you are creating a tube with some extra room for the heel. The fit is somewhere between typical spiral socks and socks with a “real” heel. In combination with a cleverly chosen pattern for the instep stitches, such a sock can be quite easy to knit and still fit reasonably well.

For the instep …

Make sure to scroll down to "written instructions" and expand the instructions section for details in English.

This heel is not a perfectly fitting heel. But you are creating a tube with some extra room for the heel. The fit is somewhere between typical spiral socks and socks with a “real” heel. In combination with a cleverly chosen pattern for the instep stitches, such a sock can be quite easy to knit and still fit reasonably well.

For the instep stitches, this is a good choice:

4 rounds of knit stitches
4 rounds of purl stitches.

====== DEUTSCH =======

Diese Ferse ist keine passgenaue Ferse. Aber du erzeugst einen Schlauch mit einer Beule. Die Passform bewegt sich irgendwo zwischen typischen Spiralsocken und Socken mit "richtiger" Ferse. In Kombination mit einem schlau gewählten Muster für die Fußvorderseite kann so eine Socke recht einfach zu stricken und doch eingermaßen gut sitzend sein.

Für die Vorderseite eignet sich zum Beispiel:

4 Runden nur rechte Maschen
4 Runden nur linke Maschen.


Shown with a cast-on count of 30 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rounds 1-10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34-36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, and 58: Knit.
  • Round 11: K10, incR, k10, incL, k10 (32 sts).
  • Round 13: K11, incR, k10, incL, k11 (34 sts).
  • Round 15: K12, incR, k10, incL, k12 (36 sts).
  • Round 17: K13, incR, k10, incL, k13 (38 sts).
  • Round 19: K14, incR, k10, incL, k14 (40 sts).
  • Round 21: K15, incR, k10, incL, k15 (42 sts).
  • Round 23: K16, incR, k10, incL, k16 (44 sts).
  • Round 25: K17, incR, k10, incL, k17 (46 sts).
  • Round 27: K18, incR, k10, incL, k18 (48 sts).
  • Round 29: K19, incR, k10, incL, k19 (50 sts).
  • Round 31: K20, incR, k10, incL, k20 (52 sts).
  • Round 33: K21, incR, k10, incL, k21 (54 sts).
  • Round 37: K20, k2tog, k10, ssk, k20 (52 sts).
  • Round 39: K19, k2tog, k10, ssk, k19 (50 sts).
  • Round 41: K18, k2tog, k10, ssk, k18 (48 sts).
  • Round 43: K17, k2tog, k10, ssk, k17 (46 sts).
  • Round 45: K16, k2tog, k10, ssk, k16 (44 sts).
  • Round 47: K15, k2tog, k10, ssk, k15 (42 sts).
  • Round 49: K14, k2tog, k10, ssk, k14 (40 sts).
  • Round 51: K13, k2tog, k10, ssk, k13 (38 sts).
  • Round 53: K12, k2tog, k10, ssk, k12 (36 sts).
  • Round 55: K11, k2tog, k10, ssk, k11 (34 sts).
  • Round 57: K10, k2tog, k10, ssk, k10 (32 sts).
  • Round 59: K9, k2tog, k10, ssk, k9 (30 sts).
  • Round 60: BO (0 sts).