
Shown with a cast-on count of 57 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rows 35 and 47 (RS): BrSl, k3tog, [brSl, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] 5 times, brSl, k5tog] twice, brSl, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] 5 times, brSl, k3tog, brSl.
  • Rows 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, and 84: K1, [brSl, k1] 28 times.
  • Rows 37 and 49: BrSl, k3tog, [brSl, [k1, brSl] 3 times, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] twice, brSl, k5tog] twice, brSl, [k1, brSl] 3 times, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] twice, brSl, k3tog, brSl.
  • Rows 39, 51, 53, 59, 61, 69, 71, 73, and 75: BrSl, k3tog, [brSl, k1, brSl, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] 4 times, brSl, k5tog] twice, brSl, k1, brSl, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] 4 times, brSl, k3tog, brSl.
  • Rows 41, 55, 57, 63, 65, 77, 79, 81, and 83: BrSl, k3tog, [[brSl, k1] 4 times, brSl, 1-to-5 inc, brSl, k1, brSl, k5tog] twice, [brSl, k1] 4 times, brSl, 1-to-5 inc, brSl, k1, brSl, k3tog, brSl.
  • Row 43: BrSl, k3tog, [brSl, [k1, brSl] twice, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] 3 times, brSl, k5tog] twice, brSl, [k1, brSl] twice, 1-to-5 inc, [brSl, k1] 3 times, brSl, k3tog, brSl.
  • Row 45: BrSl, k3tog, [[brSl, k1] 5 times, brSl, 1-to-5 inc, brSl, k5tog] twice, [brSl, k1] 5 times, brSl, 1-to-5 inc, brSl, k3tog, brSl.