Rib 1x1 swatch

A little swatch with a weird asymmetric edge. First piece I've knitted without messing up the pattern (casting on 12, 6 reps of 4-5)! But I should learn to do both kinds of slips...

Shown with a cast-on count of 6 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rows 1, 3, and 7 (RS): Knit.
  • Rows 2, 6, and 8: Knit.
  • Row 4: Sl1 wyib, *k1, p1, repeat from * to last st, k1.
  • Row 5: Sl1 wyib, *k1, p1, repeat from * to last st, k1.
  • Repeat rows 4-5.