Play Coronet - 13 points

Worked in the round, top down using three strands (Navajo/chain plied as I knit) of sock yarn and have a gauge of ~4spi.

I use the knitted cast on and Icelandic bind off but anything stretchy should work.

Can be sized up in Round 5 by replacing the center double decreases with bunny ear decreases.

Shown with a cast-on count of 117 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Round 1: [[K1, p1] 4 times, k1] 13 times.
  • Round 2: [IncR, k1, p1, ssk, k1, k2tog, p1, k1, incL] 13 times.
  • Round 3: [K2, p1, sl2-k1-p2sso, p1, k2] 13 times (91 sts).
  • Round 4: [K1, incR, ssk, k1, k2tog, incL, k1] 13 times.
  • Round 5: [K2, sl2-k1-p2sso, k2] 13 times (65 sts).
  • Rounds 6-8: Purl.