New Pattern for Lace Edging

From the Project Gutenberg version of Exercises in Knitting by Cornelia Mee. See also this more compact version.

Shown with a cast-on count of 12 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 1 (RS): Sl1 wyif, k1, [[yo] twice, k2tog] 5 times (17 sts).
  • Row 2: K2, [p1, k2] 5 times.
  • Rows 3 and 7: Sl1 wyif, knit.
  • Rows 4 and 8: BO 5 sts, knit (12 sts).
  • Row 5: Sl1 wyif, k2, [yo] twice, k2tog, k1, [yo] 4 times, k2tog, k1, [yo] twice, k2tog, k1 (17 sts).
  • Row 6: [K3, p1] twice, k1, [p1, k3] twice.