Nautical Twisted-Rope Cable

From A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns* by Barbara G. Walker.

This stitch pattern uses a few cable crosses that doesn’t support at this time, so some “substitute” symbols were used to map the pattern. Work these symbols as follows:

  • On rows 7 and 27, substitute wrap 9 sts with 4/1/4 LPC aka “sl next 5 sts to cn and hold in front, k4, then sl the purl st from cn back to left-hand needle …

From A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns* by Barbara G. Walker.

This stitch pattern uses a few cable crosses that doesn’t support at this time, so some “substitute” symbols were used to map the pattern. Work these symbols as follows:

  • On rows 7 and 27, substitute wrap 9 sts with 4/1/4 LPC aka “sl next 5 sts to cn and hold in front, k4, then sl the purl st from cn back to left-hand needle and purl it, then k4 from cn.”
  • On row 17, substitute 6/6 RC with 4/4/4 RC aka “sl next 8 sts to cn and hold in back, k4, then sl the second 4 sts from cn back to left-hand needle and knit them, then k4 from cn.”
  • On row 17, substitute 6/6 LC with 4/4/4 LC aka “sl next 8 sts to cn and hold in front, k4, then sl the second 4 sts from cn back to left-hand needle and knit them, then k4 from cn.”

See also this Ravelry discussion.

*Affiliate link. Buy the book and I get a couple pennies.

Shown with a cast-on count of 49 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rows 1 and 5 (RS): [P2, k4] 4 times, p1, [k4, p2] 4 times.
  • Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 26, and 28: [K2, p4] 4 times, k1, [p4, k2] 4 times.
  • Row 3: [P2, 2/2 LC, p2, k4] twice, p1, [k4, p2, 2/2 RC, p2] twice.
  • Rows 7 and 27: P2, 2/2 LC, p2, k4, p2, 2/2 LC, p2, wrap 9 sts, p2, 2/2 RC, p2, k4, p2, 2/2 RC, p2.
  • Row 9: P2, k4, p2, M1L, [k4, p2] twice, k4, M1L, p1, M1L, [k4, p2] twice, k4, M1L, p2, k4, p2 (53 sts).
  • Rows 10 and 24: K2, p4, *k3, p4, [k2, p4] twice, repeat from * to last 9 sts, k3, p4, k2.
  • Row 11: P2, 2/2 LC, p3, M1L, k4, p2tog, 2/2 LC, p2tog, k4, M1L, p3, M1L, k4, p2tog, 2/2 RC, p2tog, k4, M1L, p3, 2/2 RC, p2.
  • Rows 12 and 22: K2, p4, k4, [p4, k1] twice, p4, k5, [p4, k1] twice, p4, k4, p4, k2.
  • Row 13: P2, k4, p4, M1L, k3, ssk, k4, k2tog, k3, M1L, p5, M1L, k3, ssk, k4, k2tog, k3, M1L, p4, k4, p2.
  • Rows 14 and 20: K2, p4, k5, p12, k7, p12, k5, p4, k2.
  • Row 15: P2, 2/2 LC, p5, M1L, k4, 2/2 LC, k4, M1L, p7, M1L, k4, 2/2 RC, k4, M1L, p5, 2/2 RC, p2 (57 sts).
  • Rows 16 and 18: K2, p4, k6, p12, k9, p12, k6, p4, k2.
  • Row 17: P2, k4, p6, 6/6 RC, p9, 6/6 LC, p6, k4, p2.
  • Row 19: P2, 2/2 LC, p4, p2tog, k4, 2/2 LC, k4, p2tog, p5, p2tog, k4, 2/2 RC, k4, p2tog, p4, 2/2 RC, p2 (53 sts).
  • Row 21: P2, k4, p3, *p2tog, [k4, M1L] twice, k4, p2tog, p3, repeat from * to last 6 sts, k4, p2.
  • Row 23: P2, 2/2 LC, p2, p2tog, k4, M1L, p1, 2/2 LC, p1, M1L, k4, p2tog, p1, p2tog, k4, M1L, p1, 2/2 RC, p1, M1L, k4, p2tog, p2, 2/2 RC, p2.
  • Row 25: P2, k4, p1, p2tog, [k4, p2] twice, k4, p3tog, [k4, p2] twice, k4, p2tog, p1, k4, p2 (49 sts).