
Photo shows pattern adapted for a triangular scarf with P2 borders. RS rows are worked with yo and a K st added at each side until there are enough to create another pattern rep which is unaligned with the previous one (unlike pattern itself). WS rows may be purled if preferred.

Shown with a cast-on count of 20 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 1 (RS): *K2, yo, k1, ssk, k2tog, k1, yo, k2, repeat from *.
  • Rows 2 and 10: *P2, k1, p4, k1, p2, repeat from *.
  • Row 3: *K1, yo, k2tog, k4, ssk, yo, k1, repeat from *.
  • Rows 4 and 6: *P1, k1, p6, k1, p1, repeat from *.
  • Row 5: *K2tog, yo, k6, yo, ssk, repeat from *.
  • Row 7: *K3, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo, k3, repeat from *.
  • Row 8: *P3, k1, p2, k1, p3, repeat from *.
  • Row 9: *K1, k2tog, yo, k4, yo, ssk, k1, repeat from *.