Lister Spüli

For my dishcloth I used 2 horizontal and 5 vertical repeats. Please add your preferred border. My choice: 6-row-garter-stitch-border and 4 garter-stitch-border-stitches at each side: Cast on 42 sts, do 3 garter ridges (6 rows), start Lister pattern (remember 4 stitches at the beginning and at the end), work until desired length is reached, again 3 garter ridges, bind off, weave in ends.

Für meinen Spüli habe ich 2 horizontale und 5 vertikale Wiederholungen gestrickt. Dazu benötigst du einen Rand …

For my dishcloth I used 2 horizontal and 5 vertical repeats. Please add your preferred border. My choice: 6-row-garter-stitch-border and 4 garter-stitch-border-stitches at each side: Cast on 42 sts, do 3 garter ridges (6 rows), start Lister pattern (remember 4 stitches at the beginning and at the end), work until desired length is reached, again 3 garter ridges, bind off, weave in ends.

Für meinen Spüli habe ich 2 horizontale und 5 vertikale Wiederholungen gestrickt. Dazu benötigst du einen Rand deiner Wahl. Ich habe mich für einen kraus-rechten Rand über 4 Maschen rechts und links und 6 Reihen oben und unten entschieden (der ist nicht in der Stitch Map enthalten). 42 Maschen anschlagen, 3 kraus-rechts Rippen (6 Reihen), Muster stricken bis die gewünschte Länge erreicht ist, 3 kraus-rechts Rippen (6 Reihen), abketten.

created: 20MAR2014
updated: 05JUL2014

Shown with a cast-on count of 34 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 1 (RS): P1, *ssk, p5, yo, p2, k7, repeat from * to last st, p1.
  • Row 2: K1, *p7, k3, yo, k4, p2tog tbl, repeat from * to last st, k1.
  • Row 3: P1, *ssk, p3, yo, p4, k7, repeat from * to last st, p1.
  • Row 4: K1, *p7, k5, yo, k2, p2tog tbl, repeat from * to last st, k1.
  • Row 5: P1, *ssk, p1, yo, p6, k7, repeat from * to last st, p1.
  • Row 6: K1, *p7, k7, yo, p2tog tbl, repeat from * to last st, k1.
  • Row 7: P1, *k7, p2, yo, p5, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, p1.
  • Row 8: K1, *p2tog, k4, yo, k3, p7, repeat from * to last st, k1.
  • Row 9: P1, *k7, p4, yo, p3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, p1.
  • Row 10: K1, *p2tog, k2, yo, k5, p7, repeat from * to last st, k1.
  • Row 11: P1, *k7, p6, yo, p1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, p1.
  • Row 12: K1, *p2tog, yo, k7, p7, repeat from * to last st, k1.