Julie doily

Not finished yet

Shown with a cast-on count of 12 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Round 1: [K1, yo, k1] 6 times (18 sts).
  • Round 3: [K1, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k1] 6 times (30 sts).
  • Round 5: *K1, [yo, k1 tbl] 3 times, yo, k1, repeat from * (54 sts).
  • Round 7: *K2tog, k1, [yo, k1 tbl] 3 times, yo, k1, ssk, repeat from * (66 sts).
  • Round 9: *K2tog, k2, [yo, k1 tbl] 3 times, yo, k2, ssk, repeat from * (78 sts).
  • Round 11: *K2tog, k3, [yo, k1 tbl] 3 times, yo, k3, ssk, repeat from * (90 sts).
  • Round 13: *K2tog, k4, [yo, k1 tbl] 3 times, yo, k4, ssk, repeat from * (102 sts).
  • Round 15: *Yo, k2tog, k5, [yo, k1 tbl] 3 times, yo, k5, ssk, repeat from * (120 sts).
  • Round 17: *Yo, k1 tbl, yo, k19, repeat from * (132 sts).
  • Round 19: *Yo, k3, yo, k19, repeat from * (144 sts).
  • Round 21: *Yo, k1 tbl, yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k1 tbl, yo, ssk, k15, k2tog, repeat from *.
  • Round 23: *Yo, k3, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k13, k2tog, repeat from * (156 sts).
  • Round 25: *Yo, k1 tbl, [yo, sl1-k2tog-psso] 3 times, yo, k1 tbl, yo, ssk, k11, k2tog, repeat from * (144 sts).
  • Round 27: *[Yo, k3, yo, k1 tbl] twice, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k9, k2tog, repeat from * (168 sts).
  • Round 29: *Yo, k1 tbl, [yo, sl1-k2tog-psso] 5 times, yo, k1 tbl, yo, ssk, k7, k2tog, repeat from * (144 sts).
  • Round 31: *[Yo, k3, yo, k1 tbl] 3 times, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, repeat from * (180 sts).
  • Round 33: *Yo, k1 tbl, [yo, sl1-k2tog-psso] 7 times, yo, k1 tbl, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, repeat from * (144 sts).
  • Round 35: *[Yo, k3, yo, k1 tbl] 4 times, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, repeat from * (192 sts).
  • Round 37: *Yo, k1 tbl, [yo, sl1-k2tog-psso] 9 times, yo, k1 tbl, yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, repeat from * (144 sts).
  • Round 39: *Yo, k11, yo, k1 tbl, repeat from * (168 sts).