Eyelet Mesh, knitted on

From Leisure Arts booklet 50 Fabulous Knitted Borders, by Rita Weiss. Pattern in booklet is written as to knit as separate piece then sew to project. I knit this onto the last row of a shawl worked on a circular needle, without binding off, and without breaking yarn. Work perpendicular onto the bottom edge of shawl using a DPN the same size as the shawl needle. The trailing end of the circular needle could be used to work the lace, …

From Leisure Arts booklet 50 Fabulous Knitted Borders, by Rita Weiss. Pattern in booklet is written as to knit as separate piece then sew to project. I knit this onto the last row of a shawl worked on a circular needle, without binding off, and without breaking yarn. Work perpendicular onto the bottom edge of shawl using a DPN the same size as the shawl needle. The trailing end of the circular needle could be used to work the lace, but I prefer to cap the trailing end with a point protector and secure the weight of the shawl in a small drawstring bag, releasing only the active end of the circular as needed. Pattern in booklet begins with "Cast on 7 Stitches". I added one stitch to the pattern's Cast On row, and to join, knit 2 through back loop on each inbound row. I like to place a smooth, non-dangling, stitch marker at this point. This k2tbl takes up the added stitch plus one stitch from the shawl needle. Every slipped stitch should be slipped with yarn to wrong side. Repeat the four-row pattern until all stitches on shawl needle are consumed.

Shown with a cast-on count of 7 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 1 (RS): Sl1 wyif, p2, yo, p2tog, [yo] twice, p2tog (8 sts).
  • Row 2: Yo, k2, p1, k2, yo, k2tog, k1 (9 sts).
  • Row 3: Sl1 wyif, p2, yo, p2tog, p4.
  • Row 4: BO 2 sts, k3, yo, k2tog, k1 (7 sts).