This version forms an X where the increase/decrease cable rows meet - O version forms an O (for you xo cable fans). Only difference that the R/L crosses are reversed.
Stitch count varies; edges undulate (if worked flat).
Easy to work/memorize. All WS rows are "work as is"; RS rows alternate between increase rows and cable rows.
Double row repeats of the max/min cable crosses are optional, but look cool; you could skip rows 17-24 to manage row gauge/height/length/fit/etc.
I've …
This version forms an X where the increase/decrease cable rows meet - O version forms an O (for you xo cable fans). Only difference that the R/L crosses are reversed.
Stitch count varies; edges undulate (if worked flat).
Easy to work/memorize. All WS rows are "work as is"; RS rows alternate between increase rows and cable rows.
Double row repeats of the max/min cable crosses are optional, but look cool; you could skip rows 17-24 to manage row gauge/height/length/fit/etc.
I've tried a variety of increases; worth an experiment. My goal was to 'bury' the increase with the cable, where possible. Currently using IIL and IIR from (but probably I like them because they're new, and they're similar to Cat Bordhi's LLinc/LRinc, which I've liked in the past).
(I actually am now working on a multiple 14 + 12 and work wide narrow, wide (a.k.a. decreasing, increasing, decreasing) for current project.)
Shown with a cast-on count of 34 stitches.