I did some twisting to the slipped stitches. Need to describe that: every time I slipped the stitch I entered the needle from behind. Thus when I finally knit the stitch it is kind of knit through the back, back, back loop. Difficult to explain and easy to do.
Not the best photo but all I have right now.
I used the stitch pattern for my capelet/poncho.
##### DEUTSCH #####
Die abgehobene Masche in Reihe 21 habe ich von …
I did some twisting to the slipped stitches. Need to describe that: every time I slipped the stitch I entered the needle from behind. Thus when I finally knit the stitch it is kind of knit through the back, back, back loop. Difficult to explain and easy to do.
Not the best photo but all I have right now.
I used the stitch pattern for my capelet/poncho.
##### DEUTSCH #####
Die abgehobene Masche in Reihe 21 habe ich von hinten abgehoben. In Reihe 22 dann wie zum links stricken. Dadurch ist die Masche schon einmal verdreht und wird durch rechts verschränkte zusammenstricken in Reihe 23 weiter verdreht.
Shown with a cast-on count of 8 stitches.