
Make sure to scroll down to "written instructions" and expand instructions section for details in English.

====== DEUTSCH =======

Melde dich gern bei mir (über Ravelry), falls dir die Übersetzung der Stitch Map ins Deutsche schwerfällt.


Shown with a cast-on count of 34 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Round 1: *P2, k5, p1, k2, p1, k5, p1, repeat from *.
  • Rounds 2 and 7: *P1, k1, p1, k4, p1, k2, p1, k4, p1, k1, repeat from *.
  • Rounds 3 and 8: *P1, k2, p1, k3, p1, k2, p1, k3, p1, k2, repeat from *.
  • Rounds 4 and 9: *P1, k3, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k3, repeat from *.
  • Rounds 5 and 10: *P1, k4, p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1, k4, repeat from *.
  • Round 6: *P2, k4, p2, k2, p2, k4, p1, repeat from *.
  • Round 11: *P1, k5, p2, k2, p2, k5, repeat from *.
  • Repeat rounds 2-6.