Front turn seq. for conti-rag crew (2nd iteration)

This isn't the back raglan or shoulder increases, nor is it the back shaping. It is JUST the turn and increase sequence for the front. It is also the second iteration for this concept. The first attempt is here. The number of drop stitches should be twice plus one of the back neck shaping turns. In the test I knit I have stitches equal to twice the number of back neck shaping.

For the first set of front drop …

This isn't the back raglan or shoulder increases, nor is it the back shaping. It is JUST the turn and increase sequence for the front. It is also the second iteration for this concept. The first attempt is here. The number of drop stitches should be twice plus one of the back neck shaping turns. In the test I knit I have stitches equal to twice the number of back neck shaping.

For the first set of front drop turns, the total will be half the back turns plus one. For seven back neck shaping turns, the first set of front drop turns is 4. The second set of front drop turns is 3+1=4. If the number is even, add the extra turn to the second set of turns.

The row 1 increase in the chart is the pucker ease increase worked at the location of the contig marker. It is made AT the marker and the increase stitch can be on either side of the marker. On the purl row after the last front turn, set your front raglan marker to match the stitch count of the back raglan.

All turns are shadow wrap turns though they are marked as w&t in the instruction for convenience/ease.

Shown with a cast-on count of 0 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 0 (RS): CO 18 sts (18 sts).
  • Row 1: K1, incL, k13, w&t (15 sts).
  • Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16: Purl.
  • Rows 3 and 15: K13, w&t (13 sts).
  • Row 5: K11, w&t (11 sts).
  • Row 7: K2, incR, k7, w&t (10 sts).
  • Row 9: K18, w&t (18 sts).
  • Row 11: K16, w&t (16 sts).
  • Row 13: K2, incR, k12, w&t (15 sts).