Circular #7

This is a smaller version of a circular dishcloth. Maybe to be used as a demakeup pad.

I am doing short rows with a yo after the turn and I included the yo and the later k2tog in the map.

Row 10: BO4 please replace by BO1, k1 and bind off, k2tog and bind off

photo shows a 12-point-version; grafted

Make sure to scroll down to "written instructions" and expand instructions section for details in English.

====== DEUTSCH =======

Melde …

This is a smaller version of a circular dishcloth. Maybe to be used as a demakeup pad.

I am doing short rows with a yo after the turn and I included the yo and the later k2tog in the map.

Row 10: BO4 please replace by BO1, k1 and bind off, k2tog and bind off

photo shows a 12-point-version; grafted

Make sure to scroll down to "written instructions" and expand instructions section for details in English.

====== DEUTSCH =======

Melde dich gern, falls dir die Übersetzung ins Deutsche schwerfällt.

In Reihe 10 arbeite ich so:
2 Maschen normal abketten, dann 2 M. re zus.stricken und dann die rechte Schlinge auf der rechten Nadel über die linke ziehen. Ich kette also 3 Maschen ab, aber bei der dritten Masche ist es eine Abnahme, die abkettet wird.


Shown with a cast-on count of 8 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Row 1 (WS): K8.
  • Row 2: Sl1 wyib, k2, yo, k3, turn (7 sts).
  • Row 3: Yo, knit (8 sts).
  • Row 4: Sl1 wyib, k2, yo, k2, turn (6 sts).
  • Row 5: Yo, knit (7 sts).
  • Row 6: Sl1 wyib, k2, yo, k1, turn (5 sts).
  • Row 7: Yo, knit (6 sts).
  • Row 8: Sl1 wyib, k2, turn (3 sts).
  • Row 9: Yo, knit (4 sts).
  • Row 10: BO 4 sts, k1, [k2tog, k1] 3 times (8 sts).