Tweaked SkyKnit: peaing elm in the round

Tweaked by adding [yo, k1] to the first round to keep the stitch count the same. Also alternated it's location between repeats.

Added n times to balance the repeats.

Shown with a cast-on count of 36 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Round 1: *[Yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1] 3 times, repeat from * (multiple of 24 sts).
  • Rounds 2 and 6: *[K2, p1, k1] 3 times, repeat from *.
  • Rounds 3 and 7: *K2tog, k1, yo, repeat from *.
  • Rounds 4 and 8: *[K2tog, yo wrapping yarn twice, ssk] 3 times, repeat from * (multiple of 9 sts).
  • Round 5: *[[Yo, k1] twice, yo, k2, k2tog] 3 times, repeat from * (multiple of 24 sts).