Mini cable headband

For a narrow band, CO 3 sts. Work p1, k1, sl1 purlwise for 4 in. Increase 2 sts every 3d row thereafter until there are 12 sts. Begin body of headband, working pattern on 6 central sts and using remaining sts as border (p3). When band fits headsize, end with Row 5. Decrease 2 sts every 3d row until 3 sts remain and continue until tie lengths match.

Shown with a cast-on count of 12 stitches.   Getting chart...

  • Rows 1, 5, 7, 9, and 11 (RS): *P1, k4, p1, repeat from *.
  • Rows 2, 4, and 12: Purl.
  • Row 3: *P1, 2/2 RC, p1, repeat from *.
  • Rows 6 and 10: *P2, yo, p2tog, p2, repeat from *.
  • Row 8: *P2, p2tog, yo, p2, repeat from *.